Arrests in June

by Luc Mathot
Arrests in June
5 pointes et 19 morceaux sculptés.
Ivoire saisi à Port-Gentil

In June, 4 operations have been achieved by Judicial Police and Forest Department through the AALF project developped by Conservation Justice:

1. A first arrest in Port-Gentil bringing the arrest of a trafficker with 5 tusks and 19 hankos. Activitiesin Port-Gentil have started thanks to Fondation Brigitte Bardot financial support.

2. An operation in the North of Gabon, bringing to the arrest of 3 traffickers with two tusks.

3. An arrest in Libreville with two traffickers and two tusks;

4. An operation bringing to the arrest of 150 kg of ivory (six big tusks);

150 kg d’ivoire saisis à Libreville

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