Conservation Justice has been created in 2010 following the LAGA model as a new system of collaboration between NGO and Government for a concrete enforcement of the wildlife law. This model prove itself with strong results and has been used to develop other projects to fight against wildlife crime and corruption in Central and West Africa.
That is how the AALF project (Appui à l’Application de la Loi sur la Faune) has been started in Gabon with his 4 departments : investigations, operations, legal and media.
Building on this experience, Conservation Justice strengthened its internal procedures internes on financial and staff management but also on human rights and collaboration with local communities.
Complementary projects have been développe in order to enhance the existing AALF project. Project ALEFI (Appui à la Lutte contre l’Exploitation Forestière Illégale) has been created in 2011 on request of Gabonese authorities in order to reinforce the forest law. An important community combinent has been developed thanks to the recruitment of a multidisciplinary team, that works now with more than 150 villages every year.
Finally, mixed wildlife brigades have been created in partnership with Gabonese authorities and FSC certified logging companies (Precious Woods – CEB, Rougier Gabon, Gabon Advance Wood) and the Biodiversity Lekedi Foundation.