Six tusks of ivories, a panther skin and a golden cat skin were seized by the police, judicial and ministerial authorities, along with the NGO Conservation Justice in the city of Oyem Thursday November 20.
Two poachers of Gabonese nationality, were arrested for transportation, illegal detention trophies strictly protected species and 458 caliber bullets yet prohibited by law. Indeed, gentlemen MBA OWONO Sylvain and MEZUI Mendong Jean-Marie went to the hotel IYA where they intended to sell their loot.
When asked by members of the Judicial Police in Oyem, they confessed to the charges against them, revealing the fact that they had already sold ivory. These two are not at their first offense and are not small hunters.
They were put in custody and will be presented on Monday in court to meet the facts applicable to them. The new PJ antenna leader in Oyem will not have taken too much time to signal his determination in the fight against poaching, an attitude to congratulate, but also to sustain.
This is the second time in less than a week that we reported cases of large-scale poaching and trafficking in the country. Two cases tarnishing the congratulations received the World Parks Congress held in Australia and the Green Ribbon Political Award which was awarded to the head of state by the English Parliament.
Protecting the environment is to protect wildlife and especially the endangered species. In Gabon, this requires a tightening of sanctions under the Forestry Code (maximum 6 months imprisonment), but also a strict application.